Heart Attack Symptoms in Women
Most women don’t know that heart attack symptoms in women are different than in men, with heart attacks suddenly following unexpected indigestion, anxiety, shoulder pains, jaw pains, sleep disturbance…
Heart attack symptoms in men are not the same as in women. For women, symptoms usually occur earlier and are more unpredictable. Chest pains are a common symptom in men, but a study by the United States’ National Institutes of Health found that less than 30 percent of women have chest pain leading up to a heart attack, and 43 percent don’t even feel chest pains while having a heart attack.
Instead, the most common heart attack symptoms in women were unusual fatigue, followed by sleep disturbance and shortness of breath. Other common heart attack symptoms in women include indigestion, anxiety, shoulder pains and jaw pains. This is problematic; many of these symptoms frequently occur in otherwise healthy people who may not experience a heart attack. It’s therefore difficult to say which pains and feelings are heart attack symptoms in women and which are not.
Even so, if these heart attack symptoms in women suddenly arise without any clear explanation, a heart attack may be imminent. This is especially true if the individual is at high risk due to smoking, diabetes, lack of exercise, their diet or hypertension. People who experience these heart attack symptoms in women usually don’t seek medical attention, and this is one of the reasons why more women die of heart attacks than men each year. In fact, the incidence of cardiovascular-related deaths far outweighs those of breast cancer and other diseases. Pay attention to these different heart attack symptoms in women – it will save lives.